The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.29           August 10, 1998 
$235,000 Pledged So Far To Capital Fund Needed To Transform Pathfinder  

Forty-five people have pledged more than $235,000 so far toward the $400,000 capital fund needed for Pathfinder's print shop to acquire computer-to-plate technology. Going CTP, as the process is known in the printing industry, is one of the steps being taken to transform the production of the 350 books and pamphlets Pathfinder is committed to keep in print, to ensure that every one is available to workers, farmers, and young fighters who need them.

This transformation is a combined effort of the worker- bolsheviks who work in the print shop and some 140 volunteers around the world, supporters of the communist movement who have taken on the responsibility to put every single Pathfinder title in digital form, from the text to the covers and photographs.

The first piece of equipment needed in the transition to CTP, a digital image setter that will eliminate a big part of traditional prepress work, arrived in the print shop July 21, with payment due in 30 days. This is a step toward ending labor-intensive production methods that are increasingly antiquated, that use more costly materials and make frequent, short runs of books prohibitively expensive and time consuming.

Many of the pledges to the capital appeal so far were made at an Active Workers Conference held in Pittsburgh July 11-12. The 450 participants included trade unionists, activists in the fight for Puerto Rican independence, Young Socialists, and supporters of the communist movement involved in the project to put books from Pathfinder Press in digital form. The next issue of the Militant will feature coverage of this conference.

The contributions, which are of $1,000 or more, come from bequests, trusts, and other special windfalls.

Nearly $8,000 in seed money for the fund was contributed through the Helen Scheer Memorial Fund Appeal, launched April 26 at a meeting celebrating the life and political contributions of Helen Scheer, a 54-year veteran of the communist movement. Some of the funds come from contract bonuses pledged by members of the International Association of Machinists; Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers; United Auto Workers; United Steelworkers of America; and United Transportation Union.

Those who would like to contribute can write to Pathfinder, 410 West St., New York, NY 10014.

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