The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.25           June 29, 1998 
Socialists Build Active Workers Conference  

PITTSBURGH - "In response to the developments in the labor movement here and around the country - the strikes against General Motors in Flint, the three-week-long strike at SEPTA, increased resistance by coal miners in Appalachia - we decided this week to sell the Militant at more plant gates and portals," said Diana Newberry, organizer of the Socialist Workers Party's work in the coalfields.

This is what supporters of the Pittsburgh Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialists are doing leading up to the Active Workers Conference, to be held here July 11-12.

This effort got off to a good start June 16 when two Militant supporters sold the socialist paper to six workers at a GM parts plant in West Miflin, just outside Pittsburgh. The United Auto Workers (UAW) members were eager to read the coverage on the two strikes taking place in Flint, Michigan, as well as on broader political issues. The facility is the largest UAW-organized plant in the area.

Later that day, another team traveled to the coalfields in western Pennsylvania. "We sold three Militants to miners at the Emerald mine as they rushed into work," said Cecelia Moriarity, a steelworker at USX Clairton Works who is the Socialist Workers candidate for governor of Pennsylvania. Sales at another three UMWA-organized mine portals were planned for later in the week.

"In the next few weeks," said Adam Levenstein, a student at Penn State University, "supporters of the YS here will be organizing fund-raisers to help make it possible for several interested young people to attend the Active Workers conference. We have a party planned for June 27.

The Young Socialists are holding a class at the University of Pittsburgh entitled, "What is Socialism?" based on readings from Socialism on Trial by James P. Cannon. This grew out of a class held in early June that was attended by seven people on the The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.

Another activity the Young Socialists are involved in here is the effort to get Dorothy Kolis, a Steelworker and Socialist Workers candidate for U.S. Congress, on the ballot. "Talking to people on the streets is one of the best ways to learn abut the Young Socialists," said Stefanie Swenko, a student at the University of Pittsburgh. An Indonesian worker, who attended the June 14 Pennsylvania Socialist Workers state convention, has asked to join the Young Socialists.

So far supporters of the socialist campaign have netted 1,265 signatures toward their goal of 3,500. On July 13 campaign supporters got 265 people signed up, despite intermittent downpours of rain. A team also sold the Militant at the McElroy mine in West Virginia.

The ad on this page highlights the political themes of the Active Workers Conference. All conference sessions, meals, and other activities will be held at the Marriott hotel in downtown Pittsburgh, maximizing the time available for both the organized and informal discussions. The $95 registration fee includes the cost of four catered meals. Hotel room rates for the conference are $109. An important aspect of building the conference will be organizing fund- raising scholarships for those who need them.  
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