The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.22           June 8, 1998 
Accuracy is important
The news article and editorial on Indonesia in issue no. 21 were excellent. But the front-page headline, "Indonesia: workers and students oust Suharto," and the phrase in the editorial "[the Indonesian people] brought down the regime" strike me as inaccurate. These conclusions are contradicted by the facts presented in both the article and editorial, which explain that U.S. imperialism, the International Monetary Fund, previously fawning sycophants of Suharto in his regime and officer caste, as well as bourgeois forces cut off from the feeding trough, pressured Suharto to step aside. They all recognize that the mass upsurge, with young workers and students in forefront, would lead to the feeding trough itself being upset and its contents flowing back to the workers, peasants, and youth devastated by the consequences of capitalist barbarism and austerity. "Washington quickly told him to step down to try to stave off deeper protests," the editorial correctly notes.

The forced departure of Suharto is a victory. But the wrenching open of political space to organize, discuss ideas, and forge alliances with fellow fighters are the key things to keep our eyes on.

Above all, Indonesia's fresh generation of young workers, peasants, and students are at the beginning of the process of "bringing down the regime," which is still intact, despite its Bonapartist figurehead having left the presidential palace to count his billions in his private mansion.

Doug Cooper

Sydney, Australia

Editor's reply: Doug Cooper is completely correct in noting the inaccuracy of the Militant's headline and what the actual situation is in Indonesia.

Health care and capitalism
The May 11 edition of the Montreal daily La Presse featured on the front page the results of a study conducted by economists at the University of Quebec in Montreal.

Using the statistics from Quebec and across Canada, the study showed that every 10 percent decrease in government health care spending per person results in a .5 percent increase in the infant mortality rate.

On May 12, The Toronto Star published the findings of a report by the National Council of Welfare. From 1989 to 1996 the number of children living in poverty in Canada increased by 500,000. According to the government's own figures and its definition of the poverty line, there were 1,481,000 children living in poverty in 1996 - one in 5 children.

Working people sacrifice their lives for children.

Capitalism sacrifices children to stay alive.

Al Cappe

Toronto, Ontario

One of the best
The Militant is one of the best papers I ever read. Thanks a lot.


Glendale, California

Appreciate prisoners' subs
Revolutionary greetings from the bowels of Amerikkka. I received the sample copy of the Militant you sent me, and I thank you immensely. Myself and other comrades would appreciate it if you sent us a free subscription, as soon as funding permits. We greet you comrades with the hearts and souls of New Afrikan Freedom Fighters! We salute each of you with a mailed clenched fist.

A prisoner

Florence, Colorado

For a prisoner's sub
I have received the sample copy of your paper. I must admit I'm more than satisfied with your publication. Enclosed is $6.00 for a six-month subscription.

A prisoner

Albion, New York

The Militant offers reduced subscription rates to workers and farmers behind bars. A six-month subscription to the Militant costs $6, and one year costs $12. We send a free sample copy on request. Contributions make these special rates possible for those who cannot afford regular rates. Please send your donation to: Militant Prisoner Fund, 410 West St., New York, NY 10014.

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