The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.62/No.12           March 30, 1998 
Arab-Persian Gulf
It is politically incorrect to use the term Persian Gulf. This term is derived from a period in history when the Persian Empire dominated the region and the Arab masses were subjects of the shahs, the monarchs who ruled Iran until the 1979 revolution.

The designation Persian Gulf does not represent the composition of the peoples of the region. In fact, it was challenged by the Arab masses in the mid-1970s, who demanded the usage of the term Arabian Gulf. This created diplomatic tension between Iran and the Arab countries along the Gulf. Iran withdrew all its ambassadors from the Arab countries. It also threatened to prevent the flying of passenger planes belonging to a joint venture airline owned by the Arab nations, which was to be named Arabian Gulf Airways.

The dispute was presented to the United Nations. With the support of the imperialist countries, especially the United States, it was decided that Persian would be the legitimate name for the Gulf. Under pressure from the late Shah, the Arab nations withdrew their demands and the airline was renamed Gulf Air.

It is noteworthy that the terminology used in New International(NI) no. 7, for example, refers to the region as the Arab-Persian Gulf. This is absolutely correct, as it describes the region and reflects the composition of the peoples who inhabit it.

As Washington intensifies its threats of war against the Iraqi people, the Gulf region becomes a focal point in world news. As always, we must be clear on our views and politics, and this clarity must be reflected in the language and terminology we use. Use of the term Persian Gulf is not only incorrect, but is also a term that reflects imperialism's support of the late Shah. The Militant is not consistent in its usage. The most recent example is on the front page of issue no. 9. The editorial uses the term Arab-Persian Gulf, while the article " `Peace' deal sets hair trigger for war" uses the term Persian Gulf.

I believe that class-conscious workers and youth, its publications and spokespersons, should use the language in the NI no. 7.

Ahmad Haghighat

Toronto, Ontario

[The Militant editors agree. Despite some recent lapses, our policy remains to use the term Arab- Persian Gulf.]

Who is biggest murderer?
Given how the United States has poisoned everything with chemicals that cause brain tumors to breast cancer to Leukemia to who knows how many neurological and mental disorders; why is the focus only on the tobacco industry?

If Uncle Sam was held accountable for each person his poison has murdered, the United States would be the biggest mass murderer in history.


Minneapolis, Minnesota

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