The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.61/No.31           September 15, 1997 
The article "Washington pushes for domination of Caspian Sea Oil" in the September 8 Militant made the following statement that contains two errors. "Harry Flashman was the main character in a series of mystery novels, authored in the mid-1800s by British writer George MacDonald Fraser," the article said. "Flashman was a regional spy used by the British crown and other colonial powers in their designs to dominate the region at the time. Kipling wrote similar stories using a character name Kim."

Fraser published a series of novels using Flashman as the fictional character beginning in 1969, not in the mid- 1800s. The last such story, Flashman and the Angel of the Lord, was published in 1994. Harry Flashman's activities as a fictional spy did take place in the mid-1800s. Also, Rudyard Kipling published one novel using Kim as a fictional character, not several stories as the article said. The novel, titled Kim, was published in 1901.  
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