The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.61/No.26           July 28, 1997 
Grant Licenses For Festival  
We urge all our readers to join young people across the United States who have been waging a campaign to protest Washington's decision to deny licenses to youth who want to go to the world youth festival in Havana, Cuba.

The U.S. Treasury Department has denied licenses to 50 young people who have applied for permission to travel to the Caribbean island later this month to take part in this international conference of youth. Hundreds of others who also wish to apply for a license are waiting the outcome of this fight before they submit their applications to the government.

Washington's unconstitutional move is aimed at impeding and intimidating young people from participating in this exchange of ideas and experiences.

Another goal of the Clinton administration is to push for further enforcement of draconian travel restrictions to Cuba, as part of an intensifying U.S. economic war against the Cuban people. The "crime" of the Cuban toilers and their revolutionary leadership is that they refuse to submit to Washington's dictates and steadfastly defend their sovereignty, independence, and the socialism they freely chose - setting an example for the exploited and oppressed around the world.

Those involved in the protest campaign will find that the new books published by Pathfinder - Pombo: A Man of Che's `Guerrilla ; At the Side of Che Guevara; and the Spanish-language-edition of The Changing Face of U.S. Politics: Working-Class Politics and the Trade Unions -are indispensable political tools in explaining and understanding the truth about the Cuban revolution and its interrelationship with the fight for democratic rights inside North America. Selling these books can be an integral part of the protests against Washington's denial.

Organizing to convince elected officials, trade unionists, defenders of civil rights, and others to call and send letters demanding the decision be reversed can make a difference. Press coverage of this fight, which is spreading across the country, can also help. Government officials have indicated they are reconsidering the initial decision. Even if the government sticks with the denial, a successful protest campaign will maximize the chances of defending young people from possible government harassment upon their return from Cuba.

Join the protest campaign now!  
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