The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.59/No.40           October 30, 1995 
The Great Society, By Harry Ring  

Fool proof? - "Last year, a B-52 crashed and narrowly missed a nuclear weapons bunker after its pilot - apparently for the thrill of it - turned too sharply." - News item on growing number of Air Force "mishaps."

In tune with the times - New Mexico officials are right on the stick on cutbacks. They're moving toward grabbing assets of deceased Medicaid recipients. Meanwhile, the guv asked the feds to reduce the amount of cell space required for prison inmates. He wants to build a 2,800-bed prison that would provide 80 square feet for two prisoners, instead of the required 60 square feet for one.

Wait, there's more - Los Alamos National Laboratory, the nuke research center, has assured residents of the town of Los Alamos, New Mexico, not to worry about strontium 90 in their drinking water. They said a test made last year must have been false. That test found a strontium presence in a testing well four times the state "safe" level.

Curb on market economy - The Russian government iced a regulation permitting energy companies to cut off power at military bases and weapons plants when they fall 30 days behind on their bills. The government acted after armed sailors had to force restoration of power at a submarine base to avert a nuclear disaster.

Three a-bombs for the jackpot - The Greenbrier, a ritzy, West Virginia mountain resort has inherited a nuclear bomb shelter situated deep under a wing of its hotel. It was built by the feds during the `50s to store Congress members and their families during an atomic attack A spokesperson for the resort said they would like to convert part of the shelter into a gambling casino.

The plate glass ceiling - According to the UN's International Labor Organization, if women continue to climb the corporate ladder at the present pace, it will take them 475 years to achieve parity with men in top-level managerial and administrative positions.

More = less, less = less - Corporate mergers mean job cutbacks? Right. Corporate division means more jobs? Wrong. When AT&T announced it was reorganizing into three companies it said its computer manufacturing firm would immediately chop 8,500 jobs. Now it's reported that by late next year, a total of 20,000 jobs may vanish.

You went to the wrong school - Thomas Sowell, a syndicated columnist of conservative persuasion, complains that when he checks out college reading material he finds "all sorts of books by and about Karl Marx," plus all students get about "the American form of government is from people who hate it and have political axes to grind, often books based on the new trinity of race, class and gender."

Better have a food stash - Denise Lawrence was busted in Spotsylvania, Virginia, for failing to return three rented videos and a video game. She was slated to face a judge October 12 and could get up to a year in jail plus a $2,500 fine. Spotsylvania is where a guy spent five days in the courthouse holding cell without food when the bailiff took a long Labor Day weekend.

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