The Militant(logo) 
    Vol.59/No.31           August 28, 1995 
Washington, D.C., Meeting Celebrates Cuban Revolution  


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Nearly 100 people attended a July 26 celebration at the Washington Peace Center here marking the 42nd anniversary of the beginning of the Cuban Revolution. The event was sponsored by the D.C. Hands Off Cuba Coalition.

Hugo Yedra, a representative of the Cuban Interests Section, was the featured speaker. He reviewed the events of July 26, 1953, when Cuban revolutionaries launched an attack on the Moncada army garrison of the Batista dictatorship.

"Today we hear reactionary voices backing the Helms- Burton bill, which will make the U.S. criminal blockade even harder," Yedra said. "But we know we can always count on the support of the U.S. people."

Sarah Park, a graduate of Sidwell Friends High School who recently returned from a trip to Cuba with the Freedom to Travel Campaign, said she knew nothing about Cuba when she first attended a meeting of the Young Socialists club at her school. She said when she found out it was illegal to travel to Cuba and that the U.S. government had a 34- year-old embargo against that country, it made no sense.

"It is in our Constitution that we have the right to travel where we want," Park told the audience. "I couldn't understand why we learned so little about Cuba in school when it was just 90 miles away."

In comparing her view of Cuba with Mexico, where she had previously spent six weeks, Park noted, "In Cuba everyone was educated and they were hopeful the future would get better. The Cubans had respect for themselves and confidence they would get through things, and were working together."

Adjoa Aiyetoro, executive director of the National Conference of Black Lawyers, pledged her group's continued work against the embargo.

Also speaking was Brian Taylor, a 21-year-old airline worker, and one of those participating in the August 1-7 Cuba Lives International Youth Festival. He introduced the four other participants from this area who were in attendance. One young woman decided on the spot to join the delegation traveling to the festival.

A dinner and a raffle at the event raised more than $300 for the youth delegation.

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